Priser 2025

Fullt pris 320 kr/hopp

  • 10-block 290 kr/hopp = 2900 kr
  • 30-block 265 kr/hopp = 7950 kr
  • 100-block 250kr/hopp = 25000 kr

Rookie, alltså gjort första hoppet i år:
250 kr/hopp året ut.

Hyra av skåp 300 kr/ säsong

Deposits to the jumpaccount and purchase of block tickets are made in the manifest.
Keep track of your balance and your remaining block tickets in the BurbleMe app.
If you need a receipt for the execution of your account, ask the manifest to print an Account Statement for the appropriate time period and sign the printout.

Hyra Utrustning

Hyra rigg Pris Kommentar
Rigg SEK 200 / hopp Packning ingår i priset

Terms and conditions

  • When renting a rig you’re responsible for returning the rig in the same condition.
  • Main parachute will be packed by a profersional packer  designated by the manifest.
  • Any damage to the equipment is paid by the person renting the rig.
  • That includes paying for the pack job of the reserve if it has been deployed.